2011年10月28日 星期五

【Jun & Chiei 手風琴與吉他演奏 @ Tanguisimo 經典舞會 】

時間:11/19 (六) 8:00 pm 入場(演奏於舞會中段進行)
地點:Tanguisimo 探戈藝文沙龍
入場:NT300 含飲料一杯
表演者:Jun Hayakawa(手風琴)與 Chiei Kobayashi(吉他)

早川純(Jun Hayakawa)簡介
1980 出生,畢業於東京藝術大學音樂系。創立 Tango-jack 樂團,嘗試探戈音樂之不同可能性。手風琴師承小松亮太(Ryota Komatsu)與 Miguel Varvello。2003 及 2005 隨同小松亮太樂團巡迴於阿根廷及巴西,並曾於 2003 及 2004 在傳奇人物 Leopoldo Federico, Osvaldo Berlingieri 及 María Graña 旅日期間與其合奏。
於 2009 及 2010 到香港演奏,頗受好評。早川熱情無拘束的演奏方式廣受各界注意與喜愛。早川純網站:hayakawajun.com

Chiei Kobayashi 簡介
Born in Japan, Saitama prefecture, in 1980. Chiei has been playing Folklore, Southern American music, since he was juvenile. He started playing the guitar when he was nine-years-old. Then he gradually moved his focus on Flamenco, and studied under Hideo Suzuki. Chiei moved to Spain after graduating university, becoming a Benjamin Habichuela's pupil, and Chiei performed in Festivals and live houses around Majorca island. Chiei rendered his music around Tokyo after coming back to Japan in 2008, and released his first album "Wonder Wind." Chiei also became a member of a band with Oki Jin, who won Spanish Flamenco competition, and accompanied his live tour, Fuji Rock Festival 2008, and TV shows. In 2009, Chiei rendered with Alfredo Casero, Argentinian artist, in 10 Tango Festival. Chiei participated American Tango event in 2010. In 2011, He moved to Argentina, and rendered in Argentinian Festival with Juan Carlos Carabajal, Forklore musician. Chiei participated in more than fifteen albums and DVDs, mostly Flamenco, and is rendering over 100 times in Japanese concert halls and live houses recently, including Oki Jin's lead assistant guitar in his live tour. Chiei is very popular for his aggressive and passionate performance despite his calm and quiet appearance, and he is making his unique music based on his variety of ethical music background.